"Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have com to bring not peace but the sword."
Earth is a battlefied, a war between good and evil. Each day, we feel the tug between serving God and falling into temptation. We have that choice, that distinction to make in our everday lives. God loved us so much that he set us free, gave us free will, and the choice to return or not. God also makes it completely possible to live a life for Him. Yes, it's difficult. Yes, it's rare and probably out of the norm, but God is all-powerful. He created everything. He knows how everything ticks. And he loves you. He's on your side. He won't let you down. Jesus did not come to fix everything for us. He didn't come to "bring peace upon the earth." He brought the "sword." God has given us all the tools we need. He will give us the strenght and perseverance. We just need to ask. I know I've failed to ask because I'm scared. I know it's going to be difficult. Sometimes I'm not sure I want to right my ways. So I don't ask. But when I have, God has never failed to answer in the most perfect way possible.
I don't usually share personal stories, but this one blew my mind and is a perfect example of God's power and love. He can do anything.
The weekend of my birthday was approaching. My friends were just as excited as I was. Maybe a little more. They had decided they wanted to drink that weekend...a lot. And being the birthday girl, they were going to buy me alcohol as well. I enthusiacticly agreed, played along, and part of me really did want to give it a try that weekend. However, the majority of me was reluctant. I knew I really shouldn't. I was scared to ask God, scared that it would put me a tough postion. I already decided that I couldn't say "no" to my friends. They were set on this. I couldn't avoid them. So I asked God. I was even a little doubtful, but I asked him to help me out. I said, "I don't know how you're going to do this or what you want me to do, but I trust you can make something work."
The plan was for me to go home Friday and spend time with my family. I'd come back Saturday and then hang out with my friends. And then we'd party. I really had no way out.
Saturday morning, we received a call. My sister, who was pregnant, was in labor. She wasn't due for another 2 1/2 weeks! But she went into labor and everything was going fine. My family loaded up in our van and drove 5 hours to go see her. There was no way I'd make it back to see my friends that night. My sister had a healthy, 7 lb baby girl, 2 1/2 weeks early and all.
I asked and God provided. I never had to say no to my friends about the alcohol. They were more than happy for me that I was a new aunt. It was a perfect excuse. Not only did God provide me with a way out, but he gave me the best birthday present I could ask for, a niece. He answered my prayer, and so much more. God's love and generousity will continue to amaze me. And it's not because I did anything right to deserve this. It's because God loves us.